Ethiopia Arbegona Rumudamo Coffee

Rumudamo is an accolades-laden washing station in the village of Arbegona, Sidama, Ethiopia. This station produces washed, honey + natural process offerings w/ cherries coming from over 600 local farmers. It’s tricky to describe the immediate effect of sipping this one, but we’ll try: imagine suddenly sinking straight into your comfort zone, ft. bedside service of blueberry pancakes w/ Cool Whip dolloped on top. Actually, maybe it’s a very easy sensation to describe. It’s that triumphant, relaxed indulgence, abundance of jammy sweet fruit whipped into a creamy, fluffy texture, carefree in every sense of the word.
Size: 12oz retail bag
Taste Notes: Cool Whip, Blueberry Pancake, Breakfast in Bed
Sensory: Norman Rockwell, Lana del Rey’s “Norman F*cking Rockwell!”, Blue Fruits, Decadence, Glamping, Happy Days, Cherry on Top
Region: Arbegona, Sidama, Ethiopia
Grown By: ~600 smallholder farmers
Elevation: 2200 MASL
Varieties: Landrace, mostly 74112
Processing: Natural